Wilmette Massage Center

25th year of serving our community

Whether your goal is to reduce pain, to unwind, or simply to treat yourself - you've come to the right place.

The effects of massage can be profound and our therapists have what it takes to help you achieve your goals.


Q: Most places have a menu of massages that they offer.  Why don't I see a list here?

A: There are several reasons:

1 We tailor each session to YOUR needs.  A great massage does not have to follow limiting routines such as: "Start with 20 minutes of kneading on the back, continue with 20 minutes of compressions on the feet, finish with 20 minutes of effleurage on the arms, etc".  

2 YOUR needs can vary from day to day.  We recommend having the ongoing consultation with your therapist to determine the most desirable mix of techniques and therapy approaches needed to best address YOUR unique situation and symptoms.  

3 Our therapists have extensive experience in both basic and advanced massage techniques. Their 'deep toolboxes' enable them to be ready with optimal response to YOUR needs.

4 If discussing YOUR goals and needs feels like too much work,  just let the therapist know that YOU would like to be quiet,  and that they should either follow a specific modality or just follow their intuition.


Q: What about the modalities?

A: With over a hundred different names for massage modalities, there is a lot of confusion of how they relate to actual work. This is true both for general public and even for some massage therapists.  For example: Deep Tissue massage (work affecting deeper tissues) is often confused with Deep pressure massage and perceived as being painful.  Likewise, there is a common misperception that Therapeutic massage could not be Relaxing at the same time.

Simply tell us about YOUR goals for the session or even what would feel right to YOU on any particular day, and we will create a "Signature" session just for YOU. 


Q: Can you tell me who would be the best therapist for me?

A: We honestly can't.  Each of our therapists has a large following of clients that are ready to testify that their therapist is the very best.  On the other hand, some of the clients feel that all of our therapists are excellent, and that a variety of approaches work best for them.  You may find more information on the "Therapists" page, but ultimately there is no substitution for personally experiencing their work and making that decision for yourself.


Q: How do I get the most out of my session?

A: Timely communication is the key.  Don't worry about hurting the therapist's feelings, this is YOUR session. If something does not feel right, we'd rather hear about it while we can make a change, rather than afterwards.  Please let us know whether we need to adjust the pressure, change music, adjust your position on the massage table, you are too warm, cold, etc.  Also, the "oh!" and "ah!" sounds are sometimes hard to read, so it is helpful if you could clarify them as "good pain" or "bad pain". 


Q: Should I arrive for my appointment way ahead of time?  Is there a lot of paperwork to fill out before my session?

We value your time and recommend arriving about 5 minutes before your appointment, so that you have enough time to check in and get ready for your massage.  There is a brief health info/consent form that we require prior to the first session and we recommend that you fill it out online when you make your appointment.  Keep in mind that we keep the entry door locked when all of the therapists are in sessions.  If you arrive a couple minutes late, we will make every effort to make up the time for you.  If you are really late, we'll give you the balance of your appointment time.


Q: What is a customary gratuity for massage?

A: Generally in the industry gratuities range from 20% to 25% of non-discounted rate, depending on quality of service.


Q: Do you accept American Express?

A: Yes, we accept all major credit cards, as well as checks and cash.


Q: What is your cancellation policy?  

Should you need to change or cancel your appointment, we ask you to extend the courtesy and provide us with at least 24 hours notice. Our therapists are only paid when they provide a service. Since we do not engage in practice of double booking,  your appointment is reserving time on the therapist's schedule and it is preventing another client from doing the same.  Moreover, unlike others, we do not book an hour appointment on an hour.  We add at least 15 minutes buffer on each side so that you do not feel as if you entering an assembly line.  When someone misses their 60 minutes appointment,  the therapist looses at least 90 minutes in their work shift.

If you cancel the same day or fail to show up for your appointment, we will ask you to pre-pay for any future appointments, including your missed appointment.  If you have an outstanding gift certificate, it will be redeemed for your missed appointment.   We will make every effort to re-book the cancelled appointment and if it is re-booked, we will not expect payment from you. 


Online scheduling